That Moment When…

So as you all saw, last week was the heck finals week for the student at MTSU. Which involved late night studying and a climax of me getting to the point of not caring anymore…I mean an A is an A anyway you cut it right? Whether it’s a 92 or a 96 doesn’t really matter that bad. 🙂

All I have to say about finals is this. Wednesday was the fateful day of my very last final and upon walking out of the KOM I felt like a great weight had been lifted from my shoulders. Personally, it was a moment when I wished that life came with a soundtrack. I felt like “We Are The Champions” or a chancel choir singing Hallelujahs should have bursted into song at that exact moment. I mean really, wouldn’t life be so much more amuzing if we all had our own soundtracks playing in the background as we go around doing our day to day activities? Soundtracks make movies better so wouldn’t it do the same for life?

So now that I have been on summer break for a total of five days, I have done absolutely nothing that was all that productive except for playing at least 10 hours of video games and hanging out with my brother who is in town for the next few weeks. This is what my entire break is going to be like, nothing but sleeping in, playing video games, eating food, and riding my horse. It is going to be a glorious summer break and I’m even slightly excited about next semester. I’m testing out what it’s like to take the majority of your courses online next semester. This will include: Intro to Sociology, History 1 (Colonization-Civil War), Abnormal Psycology, Behavioral Statistics for Psychology, Horse Breeds and Genetics, and finally Women’s Chorale. Basically a full load! But it should be fun.

Now that I have more time on my hands, I am planning on updateing a lot more. As some of you can tell I like to post about random thoughts or ideas that pop into my head and sometimes even events that inspired me to think of something. But over this very hectic semester I honestly didn’t have the time to post much, so now that I have the time I promise to utilize it effectively and get more of my ideas out there. 🙂

One thought on “That Moment When…

  1. Annonomous Brother says:

    You are a dork.
    (Comment accompanied by the song “eye of the tiger” sung by Steven Urkel)

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